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Pre-Construction and Design
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Median annual salary based on certification and degree program completion.
Why should you pursue a career in Pre-Construction and Design?
What kind of careers could you get in the field of Pre-Construction and Design?
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Career Education Certificate Programs
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Associate Degree
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Associate Degree For Transfer
Start at a community college, transfer to a guaranteed saved spot at a participating four-year university and earn a bachelor’s degree.
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Find the career in Pre-Construction and Design thats right for you
Plan and design structures, such as private residences, office buildings, theaters, factories, and other structural property.
Prepare detailed drawings of architectural designs and plans for buildings and structures according to specifications provided by architect.
Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as architecture and engineering or research and development in these fields.
Collect, analyze, and interpret geographic information provided by geodetic surveys, aerial photographs, and satellite data. Research, study, and prepare maps and other spatial data in digital or graphic form for legal, social, political, educational, and design purposes. May work with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). May design and evaluate algorithms, data structures, and user interfaces for GIS and mapping systems.
Prepare drawings and topographical and relief maps used in civil engineering projects, such as highways, bridges, pipelines, flood control projects, and water and sewerage control systems.
Develop and design manufactured products, such as cars, home appliances, and children's toys. Combine artistic talent with research on product use, marketing, and materials to create the most functional and appealing product design.
Develop specifications and instructions for installation of voltage transformers, overhead or underground cables, and related electrical equipment used to conduct electrical energy from transmission lines or high-voltage distribution lines to consumers.
Advanced Transportation Technology - Electric Vehicles
Certificate of Achievement
Draw wiring diagrams, circuit board assembly diagrams, schematics, and layout drawings used for manufacture, installation, and repair of electronic equipment.
Advanced Transportation Technology - Electric Vehicles
Certificate of Achievement