Hispanic Student Success
Hispanic Student Success
Hispanic students can succeed at California Community Colleges.
Access to financial aid. Being the first in your family to attend college. Undocumented status. These are barriers that discourage some Hispanic students from enrolling in college. At California Community Colleges, our goal is to offer support services, student organizations and programs to help Hispanic students complete college and enter a rewarding career. Read on to learn more and get connected to support.
Alcanzando Sueños
This fall, the California Community Colleges proudly presents the first episode in its short format telenovela series, as part of the ICanGoToCollege.com campaign. Alcanzando Sueños (Achieving Dreams) features a multi-generational extended family and explores the diverse pathways available at our colleges, from dual enrollment classes for high school students and adult learners to career training and transfer programs to four-year universities. With a talented cast of first- and second-generation Latino actors, this inspiring Spanish-language telenovela connects Latino families with the life-changing opportunities, programs and support services offered by California's community colleges.
Dual Enrollment
Get a head start, save money and time toward achieving your college goals. Dual enrollment is your opportunity to enroll in community college classes and earn college credit that may count toward your high school diploma. Some dual enrollment college courses can also count toward your high school diploma.
College Close to Home
Find success right around the corner.
We understand students can face numerous challenges, like financial insecurity, access to resources, racial discrimination, and underrepresentation. Whether we’re working with community leaders and organizations or speaking directly to students, we’re committed to helping Hispanic students improve the future for themselves, their families, and their communities. It’s all part of our goal to help all students reach their educational goals and succeed in life.
Find your local college to learn what opportunities are right around the corner.
Financial Aid
Money shouldn't get in the way of going to college and reaching your goals. Thankfully, financial aid is available to help cover college costs like tuition, textbooks, supplies—and sometimes even rent. To get started, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. External page (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application. External page (CADAA) to apply for financial aid year-round. No matter your financial situation, it's always free to apply and it opens the door to most types of financial aid.
There are many financial aid options available, including grants and work study, as well as scholarships specifically for Hispanic students. Use our locator tool. External page to get contact information for your local college financial aid office to learn more. Here are just a few financial aid options:
GMiS STEM Scholarship
Applicants must be of Hispanic heritage or demonstrate high involvement in an underserved community. They must also have a minimum 3.0 GPA and be pursuing a full-time STEM graduate or undergraduate degree.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Applicants must be a U.S. citizen, a permanent legal resident, or DACA-eligible. They must also be of Hispanic heritage with a minimum 2.5 GPA for high school students or a minimum 3.0 GPA for college and graduate students.
La Unidad Latina Foundation
Applicants must be of Latino/a heritage and enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate program.
LULAC National Scholarship Fund
Hispanic students can qualify for various League of United Latin American Citizens awards. Applicants should be able to demonstrate strong academic performance, leadership potential, and community involvement.
TheDream.Us National Scholarship
Applicants must be DACA- or TPS-certified. They must also be current U.S. high school or community college students, or recent graduates/GED recipients.
Chicana Latina Foundation Scholarship
Applicants must be women of Chicana or Latina heritage enrolled in an accredited graduate or undergraduate program in one of 13 northern California counties.
The Gates Scholarship
A highly selective, last-dollar scholarship for outstanding, minority, high school seniors from low-income households.
Quest for Excellence: New Americans Award
Eligible applicants are immigrants or children of immigrants in their junior year of high school who demonstrate exceptional academic potential and plan to attend college after their senior year.
Hispanic Heritage Foundation Youth Awards
Applicants must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or DACA recipients of Hispanic heritage.
Associate Degree for Transfer
Start your college journey at a California community college and you can earn a guaranteed saved spot at participating California State Universities, online and private non-profit universities. You can enroll at a California community college and earn an Associate Degree for Transfer, then continue your education to earn a bachelor's degree at a four-year university. Get started today.
Career Education
Affordable, local and convenient. With over 200 hands-on career training programs, you can enroll in a Career Education program that fits into your busy schedule.
On-Campus Organizations
Joining an organization or club is an unforgettable part of the college experience and can make campus life easier. Take a look at some below and check with your local college for a full list of their organizations.
Puente ClubPromoting Hispanic cultural awareness and the mission of the Puente Project.
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)SHPE is the nation’s largest association dedicated to fostering Hispanic leadership in the STEM field.
Tutoring ServicesFree online and in-person tutoring is offered to all Hispanic California community colleges students. Tutors are fellow students who want to help you succeed. Writing, math, English language skills, you name it—there’s a tutor for it. Check your local campus for tutors and skills workshops.
Undocumented Student Resources
California community colleges believes every Hispanic student deserves the right to higher education—regardless of immigration status. Most California community colleges have undocumented student success centers. Check with your local school and learn about some of the resources below.
California Department of Social Services/DACA SupportCalifornia Department of Social Services funds programs and provides community education that helps immigrants living in California, including DACA students.
Immigration Legal Resource CenterImmigration Legal Resource Center works with immigrants, community organizations and the legal sector to help build a society that values diversity and rights.
Supporting Undocumented StudentsCalifornia community colleges offer numerous services to undocumented students including students with a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) work permit and those without one
Undocumented Student Resource CentersCheck our locator tool to find if your local campus has an Undocumented Student Resource Center.
Food and Housing
Food or housing insecurity should never keep you from a college education. Eleven California community college campuses offer student housing to our AAPI students, and free money. External page is available for groceries through the CalFresh program. External page.
On-Campus HousingSome California community colleges offer on-campus housing options. Take the next step and see if on-campus housing is available near you.
Free Money for GroceriesMany California community college students are eligible for CalFresh. External page, a program that helps them buy food and eat healthier. CalFresh benefits are not income and don’t impact your taxes or financial aid. Find out if you qualify today.