NextUp, Supporting Foster Youth

Campaign Materials

Campaign Materials

NextUp Program - Supporting Foster Youth
The California Community Colleges developed a variety of campaign materials to support foster youth throughout the state.

If you want to spread the word about NextUp, you can download the logo packages, buttons, and printed campaign materials below. We hope you find these materials helpful in promoting and explaining the NextUp program to staff and students.

If you have technical difficulties with the files or have any questions about these guidelines, please contact Paige Marlatt Dorr at External page.

NextUp Logos

Click on the links below to see available colors and file types.

Next Up Logos. External page 

Next Up Unstoppable Logos. External page

Next Up Cafyes Logos. External page

Next Up Logos Stacked. External page

NextUp Logo Guidelines

The NextUp Logo Guidelines. External page are provided to help determine when and how the logos and taglines are to be used. We ask that you follow these approved guidelines at all times and use the logo and tagline whenever referencing the NextUp program.

NextUp Print-Ready Materials

If you want to spread the word about the NextUp program, specifications, and downloadable print materials are available here. External page. Because our quantities are limited, these files are available to download and print in-house and/or with your local printer.

NextUp Web Buttons

Our website buttons are provided for use on your college’s website (on English and/or Spanish-language pages as appropriate) to promote the NextUp program which supports current and former foster youth. These buttons are provided in three different variations for your use, allowing you to choose which iteration best fits your college’s website.

Each button is provided to you at the largest possible size and may be scaled down according to your needs. Once embedded, the images will need to be coded to click through to where students can learn more about the program, watch videos about participating student experiences, and learn more about deadlines and program qualifications.

Before downloading, please determine the appropriate sized button by comparing the width of the column of where the button will be placed, to the width range of each button. For example, if you plan to place the button in a column that is 200 pixels wide, use the “Small Button Template” resizing to fit the intended target column. You can then resize it to fit your column/location, making sure that the image is no smaller or bigger than +/-20 percent of the width of the original image. These instructions are also embedded as HTML notes in each of the HTML templates provided.

NextUp Web Buttons. External page